Employee Experience Management Software
Make your
employees happy
Happ EXM software provides you the ability to listen to your employees to improve engagement,
well-being and happiness.
well-being and happiness.
Listen to your employees
Listen to what your employees have to say
Continuously listen to all your employees wherever they are and identify the actions you need to take to improve their experience.
Provide managers in your organisation access to real-time employee insight and enable them to improve the employee experience.
Frequently collect feedback
Increase employee engagement by regularly measuring employee experience across a wide range of topics and identifying what actions you need to take.
Maximise the potential of your employees
Increase productivity and develop high-performing teams with 360 feedback.
Identify your employees’ strengths and improvement areas, and help them curate their individual development plans.
Maximise the potential of your employees
Increase productivity and develop high-performing teams with 360 feedback.
Identify your employees’ strengths and improvement areas, and help them curate their individual development plans.